Deadline for submissions is 10 November 2023 at 11:59 pm Eastern.
Abstracts on novel research are requested for 20-minute oral or poster presentations. Abstracts should be submitted here. Abstracts should be no more than 500 words. Figures, title and references do not count towards the word limit.
Please submit abstracts as a single PDF with title, authors, and affiliations listed at the top. Abstracts should include background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Up to one Figure/Table may be included but is not required. Please save file as first author’s name in format “Last_First”. If you are submitting more than one abstract as first author, please add a number (e.g., Tager-Flusberg_Helen_01).
The focus of this meeting is on the scientific study of the emergence, use, and nature of language in autism. Language impairment, though not a core symptom of autism according to the DSM-5, is one of the most important predictors of long term outcomes and independence. The study of language in autism also has the potential to inform our understanding of language itself, as we explore why some individuals have difficulties with certain domains of language while other domains remain fully intact. It is our goal to bring together researchers approaching questions of language in autism from a variety of backgrounds, topics and approaches. Some of these include:
Aspects of Language
· Speech Production and Perception
· Phonetics/Phonology
· Morphology
· Semantics
· Syntax
· Pragmatics
· Communication in Minimally Verbal Individuals
Approaches to the Study of Language
· Social communication to the extent that it informs questions about language.
· Development throughout the lifespan
· Modality – Spoken/Gestural/AAC
· Clinical/Experimental/Naturalistic
· Comprehension and Production